Becoming Familiar And Navigating Around in CPanel Print

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Becoming Familiar And Navigating Around in CPanel.

  • Logging in -: Ensure you are logged into your cPanel account. If you need help with this step, refer to the tutorial "How to Login to cPanel."
  • Update Contact Information-: Go to "Preferences" and select "Update Contact Info." It's crucial to keep your contact details current so you can receive important emails from your hosting company. 
  • Switch Theme pull-down list-: You can go to the top of the left column, and check out the Switch Theme pull-down list. From here you can easily change how your cPanel looks by changing the theme, but it does not change the way it works. 
  • Switching Accounts-: The Switch Account drop down list. You will find this list on top of the right column. If you have more than one account, this list will show you which account you are currently controlling with cPanel, and you can switch accounts here.
  • Account Stats -: Scroll down the left column to find "Stats." Here, you'll see vital information about your account, including email accounts, bandwidth usage, home directory, and more. The "Server Status" link reveals your server's performance. 
  • Exploring Right Column Icons -: On the right side of the cPanel screen, you'll find icons grouped into specific boxes. These icons enable you to perform various tasks within cPanel, such as checking webmail, setting up databases, email addresses, and auto-responders. 
  • Accessing Documentation-: At the very bottom of the page, you'll find a link titled "Documentation." This link leads to the comprehensive cPanel Manual, where you can learn about all cPanel features and functions. It covers common questions and provides details on every section in cPanel. 
  • Customizing Window Layout-: In this version of cPanel, you can rearrange windows to suit your preferences. For example, you can move the "Mail" window to the top by simply dragging and dropping it.

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